JOIN US SUNDAYS 8:45 AM & 10:30 AM

Learning to Love as Jesus Did | Jan. 31 2020

Learning to Love as Jesus did

John 7:53-8:11

Perhaps one of the greatest stories of Jesus showing kindness, compassion, protection and forgiveness.


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Learning to Love Honestly | Jan. 24 2020

Learning to love honestly

Luke 18:18-30 (Mk. 10:21)

Honest love is hard.

There is Always Good.

There is always good | Dec. 27, 2020
Genesis 50:15-26


Questions for the week:

  1. Has this year taken away your hope in God’s promises?
  2. Like Joseph, will you leave the past and look forward to the promises of God?
  3. Do you have the assurance that God holds your future in his hands?


“Glory to God in the highest” Nov.29,2020

Questions for the week

  1. Does the story of Christ’s birth still inspire hope in your heart?
  2. Have you and I forgotten how awesome the birth of Jesus was?
  3. Be sure to let your heart feel the wonder of the Christmas story.

    Gloria in Excelsis Deo

    “Glory to God in the highest”  | November 29, 2020

Being Enlightened

Ephesians 1:15-19 | September 6, 2020


My prayer for us at HCC…

1st That God would give us a ____________ of… (vs.17)

  • ________
    • To know God’s grace during difficult times
  • ________
    • Taking the blinders off

Resulting in:

  • Knowing ________ better
    • a fuller knowledge

2nd That God would give us ________ with eyes wide open (vs. 18)

It is having the ________ to see God’s way

3rd That God would ________ to us: (vs. 18)

  1. our ________
  • our expectation about him and life itself
  1. our ________ riches
  • wealth of knowing that our salvation is real
  1. our exceedingly great ________ that resides in us (Holy Spirit)
  • same power that raised Jesus from the dead

Questions for the week:

  1. What would happen if each of us prayed this prayer for our church? I encourage you to begin praying it.
  2. What are two areas of hope that you can rest your mind upon this week?
  3. Who could you encourage today with the knowledge of how much your heart has been enlightened by the Holy Spirit?

Covid-19 July Update

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we at Hillside are closing all in-person services and will return to online service only. Please join us Sunday’s at 8:45am at for our live streaming service.
