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Feb 28 | Learning to Forgive Honestly

Learning to Forgive by Honestly

Ephesians 4:29-5:2 | Feb 28, 2021

How do we define what is honest today? 
What is deception? 
Is telling the truth a form of gossip? 
How honest do you want people to be with you?  – How honest do you want God to be with you?

Principle #1 Always look out for the good of others. 
Note: vs. 29 
To do anything else is to grieve the Holy Spirit. 
Honesty is a character quality of the Holy Spirit. 
Principle #2 Stop being so mean! 
Note: vs.31 
Bitterness​: bitter hatred; anger; resentful; caused by conflict or unjust treatment 
Rage​: heated anger; to boil over with anger; violent, uncontrolled anger; wrath; to offend  in one’s soul 
Anger​: temper; violent passion; to inflict punishment; outrageous acts; using hurtful,  damaging words 
Brawling​: shout vehemently; to express hurt loudly; to rail against someone publicly;  outrage of your anger 
Slander​: language that hurts; to destroy someone’s name; accuser (Satan(; to accuse  falsely; twisting the truth to hurt someone 
Malice​: to desire to injure; not ashamed to break the law; to have a vicious character  This heart attitude only leads to hurt and pain. 
Principle #3 Be nice! 
Note: vss. 32-5:2 
Be​ ​kind​: useful for good; mild and pleasant; use kind words to build others up  
