Grace | Truth
August 7, 2022
I love the truths about Jesus.
- He is eternal
- All things were created by him and for him
- He is seated in power and authority at the right hand of God
- He was virgin born
- Lived a sinless life
- Gave his life each and every day to touch others
- Died on a cross for the sins of all mankind
- Rose from the grave to overthrow the power of death
- Sent us the Holy Spirit to live with us and in us – forever
- And one day we will spend eternity in heaven with our Savior – Jesus the Christ, the Son of the living God
#1 He ascended on high
- Hebrews 4:14-16 NLT
The resurrection opened the heavens for Christ.
The power of the resurrection is our source of strength that makes our faith firm.
#2 He captured our enemies
Life and death were on the line.
- The cross triumphed over death
“He led captives”
- As a triumphal procession of the enemy that has been captured in war
The war was between God and Satan.
Christ took away death and replaced it with his life.
- 1 Peter 3:18 NCV
#3 He gave out gifts
When a King or Commander would return from the battlefield, whatever spoils or gifts he obtained in the battle he would share them with his people, and in doing so, he would be demonstrating his love, compassion and kindness to them. The victory that Christ had over Satan gave him the authority to distribute “gifts” to those whom he had compassion and love for.”
Our greatest gift – eternal life with Christ.
- The giving of the Holy Spirit
- The body of Christ
- Spiritual gifts
#4 These were all given to us once Jesus conquered death by rising from the dead
It showed:
- The power of his resurrection
- Matthew 28:1-4 NIV
- His body was not there
- Luke 24:1-3 NIV
- Folded his head burial cloth
- John 20:6-9 NIV
- Countless others saw him
- 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 NIV
#5 He is our redeemer
“Ascended higher than all the heavens” (vs. 10)
- “In order to fill the whole universe”
- To give complete meaning
Jesus’ resurrection paid it all.
- He alone fulfilled a
- ll the requirements of God’s holiness
- The penalty for sin – paid
- The debt we owe for our sins – paid
- The work of shedding of blood for the forgiveness of sins -paid
- The only way into God’s presence – paid
- Life over death secured – paid
It was grace that paid it all for us.
- Grace sent Jesus to the cross
- Grace raised him from the dead
- Grace brings us into a relationship with him
- Grace secures our eternal life with the risen Savior
And it is his grace that walks with us each and every day.