JOIN US SUNDAYS 8:45 AM & 10:30 AM

Sin of Jeroboam | Nov. 8

Questions for the week:
– So what are we putting in place of God today?
– How far have we removed ourselves from true worship?
– Are there idols in our lives that are preventing us from worshipping God?
1Kings 13:1-3

The Sin of Jeroboam

1Kings 13:1-3  | November 8, 2020
  1. What happens when we turn the house of God into something other than what it was meant to be?

Bethel in Hebrew means “House of _____” or “House (or place) of God.” Genesis 28:10–22 NIV 

Here is where things go ______:
– Jeroboam corrupted the altar of God in Bethel by setting up a golden calf there (I Kings 12:28-29).

Here is where things get out of ______:
– Jeroboam was afraid that if the people were to worship God at the Temple in Jerusalem, they would end up rejecting him. 

  • Jeroboam did not ______ that God could help him to continue on the throne.
  • He creates places of ______ in both Dan and Bethel. 
    • His hope was to prevent his people from going to Jerusalem. 1 Kings 12:28-29

Remember that God had chosen the city of ________ as his place of worship. 

  • But Jeroboam decided to offer sacrifices to the golden calves in _____ (northern kingdom) and _____ (southern kingdom). 
  • Jeroboam corrupted the worship of the _____ God.
  • Jeroboam appointed all kinds of people as _____ in Dan and Bethel. 1 Kings 12:31.
  • Jeroboam created his own day of _____! This caused Israel to sin. 

Remember this truth: “Do not make any gods to be alongside me; do not make for yourselves gods of silver or gods of gold.” Exodus 20:23 NIV

God was angry about what Jeroboam had done.
– Many generations disobeyed God because of his sins. 

“Little children, keep yourselves from idols.” 1 John 5:21. Guarding requires constant ________________.

Questions for the week:
– So what are we putting in place of God today?
– How far have we removed ourselves from true worship?
– Are there idols in our lives that are preventing us from worshipping God? 
